2016 Mentor Testimonial
Julian Kickbusch,

Prof. Dr Hamid Hussain,
United Arab Emirates

I am Professor Dr Hamid Hussain, living in Dubai, UAE, and working as Consultant for Public Health medicine, I hold my professorship in Public health medicine and research.
I engaged as Mentor in the Global Health Mentorship program 2016 and supervised very talent group of student and young professional. The program added significantly scientific and professional values to my career pathways in terms of technical, administrative and professional points of views.
I would like to strongly recommend the program to new generation of youth who are enrolled in health related areas. This area has extremely significant impact on worldwide populations in terms of meeting their needs and addressing their problems and strongly encouraging them to be enrolled and trained with such skills.
Currently I am an Expert consultant for various networks and initiatives such as, the Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GAORN), the Global Polio Eradication Initiative and the East Mediterranean Public Health Network (EMPHNET). Furthermore, I am a candidate for Regional Counselor of International Association of Epidemiology for the EMR region, Member of the Executive Committee at World Health Organization (EMRO) and Medical Editors association EMAME.
I have achieved significant outcomes so far in terms of teaching, mentoring, research, services delivery, policy and guidelines development, setting up strategies and services delivery. I had the opportunity to teach Public Health Medicine/ Global Health for undergraduate and postgraduate medical students for the past 15 years, where achieved more than 150 published research works, supervised 30 PhD candidates and 20 Master students.
I have been significantly enrolled with project and programs management at the World Health organization, United National Fund for Children (UNICEF), International Organization for Migration (IOM), International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC) in Atlanta.