2019 Mentors

Dr Olayinka is a National Lassa Fever Research coordinator at the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC). GH focus area: Emerging infectious diseases and Infectious disease prevention and control She can help you with: 1) expanding your knowledge in her GH focus area; 2) better understanding and defining your skills and competencies in her GH focus area; and 3) personal development and motivation. Language: English

Dr Mezzabotta is a retired medical doctor, and a former World Health Organization Medical Officer with over 20 years of experience to share. GH Focus area: Epidemiology He can help you with: 1) expanding your knowledge in epidemiology; 2) better understanding and defining your skills and competencies in epidemiology; and 3) share problem-focused knowledge and ideas in epidemiology. Languages: English and Italian

Dr Nsofor is the CEO of EpiAFRIC and Director of Policy & Advocacy, Nigeria Health Watch. GH focus area: Social determinants of health He can help you with: 1) better understanding and defining your skills and competencies in social determinants of health; 2) expanding your knowledge in social determinants of health; and 3) with ideas for taking your career to the next level. Language: English

Ms Gutenberg is a eHealth Researcher at Eriksholm Research Centre. GH focus area: Health Policy She can help with: 1) better understanding and defining your skills and competencies in health policy; 2) familiarizing yourself with possible career paths; and 3) supporting you in early job search strategies. Languages: English, German, and Danish

Dr Rees is a Public Health Medicine Specialist at the Anova Health Institute. GH focus area: HIV/AIDS She can help with: 1) expanding your knowledge in HIV/AIDS; 2) acquiring specific skills in HIV/AIDS; and 3) self-presentation and preparing for their first job interview. Languages: English

Mr Münter is the Head of International Projects Unit, Danish Committee for Health Education. GH Focus area: Infectious disease prevention and control He can help by: 1) sharing problem-focused knowledge and ideas; 2) supporting you in extending your network through personal recommendations; and 3) supporting you to better understand and define your skills and competencies in his GH focus areas. Languages: Danish, English, German, & Swedish

Dr Gelormini is a Policy Analyst at the World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe in the Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) programme. GH focus area: Antiobiotic Resistance/AMR He can help you with: 1) better understanding and defining your skills and competencies in AMR; 2) expanding your knowledge in AMR; and 3) personal development and motivation. Languages: English, Italian, Portuguese and French

GH focus area: Adolescent Health She can help with: 1) personal development and motivation; 2) aiding with understanding PhD or job application requirements; and 3) familiarizing yourself with possible career paths. Language: English

Dr Orighoye is a Public Health Specialist at the Coastal and Marine Areas Development Initiative and a time to shine project worker at Health for All GH focus area: Maternal and child health She can help you with: 1) familiarizing yourself with possible career paths; 2) with ideas for taking your career to the next level; and 3) problem-focused knowledge and ideas in maternal and child health. Languages: English and Pidgin English

Dr Prakash Keshri Social Activist, Physician, Writer, and former president of UN youth Nepal. GH focus area: Health Governance He can help with: 1) better understanding and defining your skills and competencies in health governance; 2) knowledge and ideas in health governance; and 3) provide general networking tips and advice. Languages: English and Nepali

Dr Nagesh is currently Director of Reserach & Follow-up Programs, Latika Roy Foundation, Uttarakhand, India. GH Focus area: Disability and Injury She can help you with: 1) better understanding and defining your skills and competencies; 2) supporting you in expanding your knowledge in disabilities and injury; and 3) sharing problem-focused knowledge and ideas in disability and injury. Languages: English, Hindi, and Kannada

Mrs. Praxmarer Fernandes is a Technical Officer at the World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe in the Human Resources for Health Programme. GH Focus Area: Nursing She can help by: 1) Supporting you with ideas for taking your career to the next level; 2) Supporting you in extending your network through personal recommendations; and 3) Supporting you with personal development and motivation. Languages: English and German

Dr Keshri is Health Policy and Systems Expert, Centre for Health Policy, The Asian Development Research Institute (ADRI) GH Focus area: Public Health Services (PHS) He can help by: 1) supporting you with ideas for taking your career to the next level; 2) supporting you in better understanding and defining your skills and competencies in PHS; and 3) sharing problem-focused knowledge and ideas in PHS. Languages: English and Hindi